1.. .. !Using NFS shares on a Raspberry Pi August 2022 ยท 3 minute read Posted in: linux networking raspberry-pi I use this mainly on my amateur radio hotspot when I work on my sleek dashboard. This setup lets me edit the php-files on my computer while I use the already installed webserver as a development server to view the actual changes/progress. The advantage of that is: I don't have to feed pseudo-random data into the tables, the data gets pulled live from the logs -- like it would be on the final system. ## Installation and configuration ```console $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server ``` ```console $ sudo vim /etc/exports ``` We have to export our directories in the file `/etc/exports` on our Raspberry Pi. ```plain # file: "/etc/exports" /var/www/html,async,all_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000) /opt/MMDVMDash,async,all_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000) ``` So we allow `` read- and write-access to the directories above. {{< alert circle-info >}} For the record: my user on my laptop ( has the same UID (1000) as my user on the Raspberry Pi ( {{< /alert >}} Also edit `/etc/hosts.allow` to grant access for your network or host. ```plain # file: "/etc/hosts.allow" ALL: ``` After we changed the contents of `/etc/exports` we have to run the `exportfs` command and restart the nfs-server. ```console $ sudo exportfs -ra $ sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service ``` ## Accessing the directories I usually look at the logs on my Raspberry Pi with `journalctl -fe` and let this running. Now on my laptop in my home directory. I create a temporary directory with `mkdir tmp` and try to mount the nfs share into that. On most linux systems only **root** is allowed to use mount without an entry in `/etc/fstab`. So we run ```console $ sudo mount tmp/ ``` and if it does not print anything, all is good. On the Raspberry Pi you should see a new line looking like: ```plain raspi4 rpc.mountd[30223]: authenticated mount request from for /opt/MMDVMDash/html (/opt/MMDVMDash/html) ``` {{< alert circle-info >}} **To eliminate the confusion:** I've mounted `/var/www/html` but the log shows `/opt/MMDVMDash/html`. This is because `/var/www/html` is currently a symbolic link to `/opt/MMDVMDash/html`. But if I remove the symlink and replace it with real files the export will still work. {{< /alert >}} And that's it. Unmount with `sudo umount tmp/` and we should create an entry in our `/etc/fstab` file to let the system mount this share when starting. When unmounting, you should see another line on your Raspberry Pi. ```plain raspi4 rpc.mountd[30223]: authenticated unmount request from for /opt/MMDVMDash/html (/opt/MMDVMDash/html) ``` ## Creating entries in our `/etc/fstab` file First, let us create a directory on our laptop. ```console $ mkdir -p ~/raspi4/html ``` ```plain # file: "/etc/fstab" /home/dominic/raspi4/html nfs noauto,users,nodev,async,soft,_netdev,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=1,x-systemd-idle-timeout=1min,x-systemd.mount-timeout=10,timeo=10,retry=3 0 0 ``` After changing that file, make sure to reload Systemd with `sudo systemctl daemon-reload`. Mount them from your home directory with `mount raspi4/html`. The same line should appear on your Raspberry Pi (if you still have `journalctl -fe` running!). You may use less confusing settings in your `fstab` file, but I'm going with those from above on my Manjaro box, as I also use other NFS shares on my NAS and it turned out those work best for my scenario for now. You could try by only using `noauto,users,nodev,async` as a starting point. If it fails, try adding only `_netdev` first -- I can't exactly remember why, but I keep thinking I researched this a while back and sticked with it. 1.. ..