I built some ferrite chokes23 September 2023·302 words·2 minsAmateur-Radio DIY PortableI built two ferrite chokes and measured them already, but I never presented the results to the internet audience 😉
OpenBSD-current: built from source16 September 2023·840 words·4 minsComputerstuff OpenBSDKeeping up to date with OpenBSD-current. Some quick notes.
DMRHost on a RaspberryPi 4 with OpenBSD or FreeBSD26 August 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·1146 words·6 minsAmateur-Radio Hotspot Raspberry-Pi MMDVM DMR OpenBSDA rather quick demonstration of my recent test to install DMRHost on a Raspberry Pi 4 which is running OpenBSD 7.3
Problems with apt-keys on my hotspots5 August 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·716 words·4 minsAmateur-Radio Hotspot Pi-Star Raspberry-PiFor some reasons apt wasn’t able to verify the repositories signing keys on my Raspberry-Pi based hotspots and this is how I fixed it.
Observe your neighbours weather stations30 July 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·112 words·1 minAmateur-Radio Computerstuff Linux FreeBSD SDR WXAnother simple and short snippet for rtl_433 on Linux (and probably FreeBSD).
Going back from OpenBSD-snapshot29 July 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·1674 words·8 minsComputerstuff OpenBSDMade from the road of me trying out OpenBSDs current branch…
Update weewx-netatmo extension15 July 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·450 words·3 minsAmateur-Radio WX WeeWX Netatmo Server SelfhostUpgrade the authentication method from password to preauthenticated refresh_token
Neovim, Telescope, FreeBSD: problems?23 June 2023·135 words·1 minComputerstuff FreeBSD OpenBSD NeovimI dropped my old configuration that I practically copied from other people for Neovim. I’m now using AstroNvim…
Stop tracking changes of a file with git4 June 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·82 words·1 minComputerstuff GitDon’t overuse this; it could get a bit more complicated to track down errors when ignoring changes of files…
Sound flicking and stuttering in librewolf/firefox4 June 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·75 words·1 minComputerstuff FreeBSDFinally. Normal sound in Librewolf on YouTube. This took quite a while for me to fix…