A slim D-STAR gateway on a Raspberry Pi 23 February 2024·Updated: 22 March 2025·2287 words·11 minsAmateur-Radio Archlinux Dstar Hotspot Linux MMDVM Raspberry-PiI wrote down the installation of a forked DStarGateway with a slim dashboard based on Javascript on a Raspberry Pi 2 – using Archlinux.
DMRHost on a RaspberryPi 4 with OpenBSD or FreeBSD26 August 2023·Updated: 28 September 2024·1146 words·6 minsAmateur-Radio Hotspot Raspberry-Pi MMDVM DMR OpenBSDA rather quick demonstration of my recent test to install DMRHost on a Raspberry Pi 4 which is running OpenBSD 7.3
Raspberry Pi 4 (64 bit) DUAL_HAT Hotspot10 July 2022·Updated: 28 September 2024·3750 words·18 minsAmateur-Radio Pi-Star DMR YSF Dstar Hotspot MMDVMWorking without Pi-Star on a fresh and lightweight Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) installation. One of the longer articles over here…
HS Dual Hat With PiStar v423 January 2020·Updated: 28 September 2024·2127 words·10 minsAmateur-Radio Pi-Star DMR YSF Dstar Hotspot MMDVMThis is a MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat hotspot in duplex mode with DMRGateway and an actual Pi-Star image.